Defence Ipswich Strategic Summary 2018-2023

5 QUEENSLAND GROWTH FOCUS The Queensland Government Defence Industries 10-Year Roadmap and Action Plan states that Queensland’s defence industries employ more than 6,500 people, generated an estimated $6.3 billion in revenue in 2015-16 and secured $4.3 billion in Australian defence contract payments in 2016-17. It establishes a vision that by 2028 Queensland will be Australia’s front line for the defence industry by increasing the revenue contribution to the Queensland economy to $7 billion and creating a 10,000-strong, highly skilled workforce renowned for its agility, innovation and depth of capability in supporting the Australian Defence Force and its allies. The Defence Industries 10-Year Roadmap and Action Plan builds on the state’s current strengths and addresses a number of challenges identified through consultation with the Australian Defence Organisation and industry stakeholders. The roadmap includes three key strategies and seven priority actions, namely: 1. Grow Queensland defence industry capability. Priority actions: 1.1 Work with Queensland industry to strengthen its defence business capability. 1.2 Work with defence and industry to assist Queensland companies to enter defence supply chains. 1.3 Establish the Defence and Aerospace Industry Development Fund to assist Queensland small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs) to access defence contracts both directly and through supply chain opportunities. 2. Significantly increase Queensland’s defence industry contribution to the national and global market. Priority actions: 2.1 Work to secure a greater portion of national defence work, including in regional Queensland. 2.2 Maximise Queensland’s geographic strategic significance by identifying and securing opportunities that provide regional economic activity. 2.3 Work with defence to maximise opportunities for Queensland industry in planning, sustaining and developing defence facilities in Queensland. 3. Promote Queensland’s defence industry capabilities. Priority actions: 3.1 Promote Queensland’s industry capability to national and international defence markets. The Queensland Government’s defence industries unit will support the vision and enable delivery of the key strategies and priority actions.