Guide to Composting and Worm Farms

Home Composting STEP 1 STEP 4 Choose a sunny location for your compost. Select the type of compost system you wish to use. Create your drainage layer. The first layer at the bottom of your compost should be a drainage layer that is approximately 10-15cm deep. You should also include one in the middle. Make sure to have a drainage layer at the bottom and in the middle of your compost bin. Drainage materials can include small sticks and dry leaves. Continue to layer. Alternate between a green (nitrogen rich) layer and a brown (carbon rich) layer. Cover top layer with newspaper, cardboard or hessian material. Remember compost bins require maintenance! You will need to use a large fork or spade to help turn the compost. This provides aeration to the decomposing materials inside. Make sure to keep your compost moist. Use the hose and lightly sprinkle water into the heap, if required. When your compost is ready to harvest, it should have a dark, soil-like appearance. This is high in nutrients and can be used on your gardens, potted plants and vegetable patches. STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 5 Create a Healthy Compost 3 Green + Brown + Sun + Air + Moisture = HEALTHY COMPOST GREEN WASTE BROWN WASTE AVOID 3 Fruit and vegetable scraps 3 Fresh grass clippings 3 Manure from herbivores (cows, horses, sheep, birds and chickens) 3 Bread, pasta and rice 3 Flowers 3 Vacuum dust 3 Human and animal hair, and feathers 3 Dried leaves and grass clippings 3 Small twigs and sticks 3 Paper towels 3 Cardboard 3 Straw 3 Newspaper 3 Tea leaves 3 Coffee grindings 3 Ripped egg cartons 7 Manure from carnivores (dogs and cats) 7 Meat and seafood scraps 7 Vegetable fats and oils 7 Bulbous flowers 7 Dairy products 7 Weeds (they will sprout in your garden again) and plants sprayed with pesticides