Nominations open for 2023 Ipswich Sports Awards

03 July 2023

Do you know a basketball player who shoots for the stars? A rugby coach who always tackles the competition? What about a track and field standout who is leaps and bounds ahead of others?

Community chess tables checkmate all the right boxes

03 July 2023

It is checkmate at Springfield Central with the installation of new chess tables bringing the community together.

Have your say on use of community land in Springfield

03 July 2023

Ipswich City Council is looking to release parcels of land in the Springfield area for potential future development into facilities for the benefit of the community.

SPARK Ipswich kicks off with plenty to Immerse yourself in

30 June 2023

Ever wanted to learn circus tricks, how to mural paint, dance like a Bollywood star, create Latin music or make a clay echidna?

Springfield traffic changes fast-track major roadworks

30 June 2023

Springfield residents will be driving on four lanes on the Springfield Parkway and Springfield Greenbank Arterial sooner than anticipated, with final works on the project getting underway.

Resource Recovery Infrastructure Plan delivers new and upgraded facilities for Ipswich

28 June 2023

Ipswich City Council has launched its Resource Recovery Infrastructure Plan on the back of a record $70 million investment from the 2023-2024 Budget, aimed at significantly reducing waste to landfill.

Have your say on future locations for Ipswich infrastructure

26 June 2023

Does your suburb need a new park, or a new community centre to respond to population growth?

2023-2024 budget delivers cost of living support with below inflation rate rise

22 June 2023

Ipswich City Council has delivered a measured, responsible budget once again keeping rate rises under inflation amid major economic pressures.

Major plans for waste management and resource recovery across Ipswich

22 June 2023

About $70 million has been provided for waste management and resource recovery in the Ipswich City Council 2023-2024 Budget, strongly reinforcing council’s green credentials.

Ipswich revitalisation continues apace in 2023-2024 Budget

22 June 2023

Revitalising Ipswich from the suburbs to the city centre sits at the centre of Ipswich City Council’s $692.6 million 2023-2024 Annual Plan and Budget handed down on Thursday.