Ipswich City Council administration and customer service have moved to the Nicholas Street Precinct from Monday 28 June.
There is secure undercover parking available located under the precinct, open 7 days a week, access is off Bremer St. Lift B on any level is best for access.
3-hour free parking:
- Access secure, undercover parking off Bremer Street.
- Parking hours are 5.30 am to 11.00 pm.
- The first three hours are free Mon to Fri.
- After 5.00 pm week days are free.
- Free parking on weekends.
- There is lift and stair access available up to ground floor to the Library, Children’s Library, customer service and Tulmur Place.
Ipswich City Council location change map (PDF, 578.7 KB)
Other ways to connect with council:
Council Connect
Our new integrated Council Connect service offers you more options for engaging with Ipswich City Council services.
Visit Council Connect at the Rosewood Library and ask our friendly staff for assistance, or jump online 24/7 for:
- Rates enquiries and payments
- Dog registrations
- Park venue enquiries
- Parking infringements
- Ipswich Waste enquiries
- Licences and renewals
- Property searches
- Planning and development applications
- Name and address searches
- Civic Centre ticket bookings
Council Connect Opening Hours: Mon – Fri, closed Saturday and Sunday.