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  1. 2020 Ipswich.qld.gov.au City of Ipswich Waterway Health Strategy CONTENTS ... (PDF, 2737k)

    ipswich.qld.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0006/8925/WaterwayHealthStrategy2020_Web.pdf Explore

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    25 Aug 2020: channel management. riparian corridor management. wetlands and floodplains. community engagement. The strategy has taken a sub-catchment based approach for on-ground management actions to ensure that it adequately reflects the ... Direct investment in

  2. Waterway Health Strategy

    ipswich.qld.gov.au/about_council/initiatives/environment/waterways/catchments-and-plans/waterway_health_strategy Cached Explore

    22 Dec 2020: The future health of waterways and wetlands in Ipswich will be secured through council’s leadership and commitment to catchment and waterway health enhancements. ... channel management. riparian corridor management. wetlands and floodplains. community

  3. IpswIchIntegrated water strategy 2015 a total water cycle Framework ... (PDF, 5851k)

    ipswich.qld.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0003/38226/Integrated-Water-Strategy-2015.pdf Explore

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    24 Apr 2015: Ensure waterways, wetlands and riparian corridors are appropriately considered in Council’s planning instruments. • ... 11. Strategic Objective:protection and enhancement of the natural environmentIpswich’s waterways, catchments and riparian areas

  4. Waterway Health Strategy

    ipswich.qld.gov.au/about_council/media/corporate_publications/strategy-and-implementation-programs/waterway_health_strategy Cached Explore

    22 Dec 2020: The future health of waterways and wetlands in Ipswich will be secured through council’s leadership and commitment to catchment and waterway health enhancements. ... channel management. riparian corridor management. wetlands and floodplains. community

  5. Waterway improvement initiatives

    ipswich.qld.gov.au/about_council/initiatives/environment/waterways/waterway-improvement-initiatives Cached Explore

    29 Jul 2022: improved soil fertility. sediment control and filtration of nutrients. The land that adjoins, or directly influences a body of water is also known as a riparian corridor and includes:. ... wetlands and river floodplains which interact with the river in

  6. Waterway Health Factsheets

    ipswich.qld.gov.au/about_council/initiatives/environment/waterways/fact_sheets Cached Explore

    8 Jan 2024: The series of informative Waterway Health Fact Sheets have been developed to provide a greater understanding and appreciation of waterway health and catchment management issues in Ipswich, focusing on topics such ... as revegetating waterways, water

  7. Bremer Catchment

    ipswich.qld.gov.au/about_council/initiatives/environment/waterways/catchments-and-plans/bremer_catchment Cached Explore

    23 Jan 2024: Bushland covers about half of the sub-catchment however the floodplain and riparian zone are predominantly cleared. ... Warrill Creek transitions between a single continuous channel and anabranching low flow channels within a wide floodplain valley.

  8. FV_Catchment_WP2_RestorationPlan_FINAL_14.10.21 (PDF, 1930k)

    ipswich.qld.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0020/223913/FVC-Restoration-Plan.pdf Explore

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    20 Oct 2021: High. Australian Rivers Institute Page | 9. 2.2 Maintain and improve water quality within waterways and wetlands. ... Grudzinski, B., Fritz, K., & Dodds, W. (2020). Does Riparian Fencing Protect Stream Water Quality in Cattle-Grazed Lands?Environmental

    by s1612031
  9. Catchments and Plans

    ipswich.qld.gov.au/about_council/initiatives/environment/waterways/catchments-and-plans Cached Explore

    20 Jan 2023: Catchment management is an approach to planning and managing our local waterways and environment for the long term sustainability of our natural resources. ... The Brisbane River forms Ipswich's north eastern boundary. The north-western part of Ipswich

  10. www.ipswich.qld.gov.auIpswich City CouncilPhone (07) 3810 6666Fax (07) 3810 6731 ... (PDF, 870k)

    ipswich.qld.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0017/10952/fact_sheet_4_erosion_and_sediments_in_ipswich_waterways.pdf Explore

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    12 May 2010: Erosion has since become a degrading process in many areas, threatening riparian land, water quality and aquatic habitats. ... Removal of vegetation across the catchments and along the waterways increases the risk of erosion.

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