1. Discharge of pool backwash to sewer.

  • In accordance with the Southeast Queensland Water Supply and Sewerage Design and Construction Code (SEQ Code) pool backwash cannot be discharged to sewer in Ipswich without Urban Utilities (UU) approval. Should you wish to discharge pool backwash to the sewer please contact UU on 13 26 57, or via their website www.uu.com.au

2. How long does the plumbing application approval process take?

Plumbing Permit applications are broken into two assessment streams, Fast-Track and Standard.


  • Approval timeframe - two (2) business days subject to the lodgement of all mandatory items.
  • Available for the majority of new single residential dwellings, sheds or domestic outbuildings, (classes 1a and 10a only) within sewered areas.


  • Approval timeframe - 10 business days subject to the lodgement of all mandatory items.  If additional information is required by the assessing officer an information request will be issued within 10 business days.
  • Applies to all other building types (classes 1b and 2-9) and those applications excluded from the fast-track process, e.g. multiple residential, commercial, unsewered properties and secondary dwellings not separately connected to water and sewer.

3. What hot water unit must I install on a new dwelling?

Homeowners are now able to choose a hot water system that best suits their circumstances, including an electric system.

As of the 1 February 2013 it is no longer a mandatory requirement to install energy efficient hot water systems such as gas, solar or heat pumps in new homes and existing houses located in a gas reticulated area.

4. What hot water unit can I use to replace my existing hot water unit?

Homeowners are now able to choose a hot water system that best suits their circumstances, including an electric system when replacing a hot water system.

As of the 1 February 2013 it is no longer a mandatory requirement to install energy efficient hot water systems such as gas, solar or heat pumps in new homes and existing houses located in a gas reticulated area.

5. Can all of my water outlets be supplied by rain water in a reticulated area?

Yes, however internal fixtures supplied from a rain water tank must have a continuous supply of water.

6. If I have any problems with stormwater who should I contact?

Call Council on (07) 3810 6666 for the section relevant to your stormwater problem.

7. How can I obtain a copy of my House Internal Sewerage Plan (House Drainage Plan)?

To obtain a copy of your house internal sewerage plan (house draining plan) you can:

a)      Contact Council on (07) 3810 6666; or

b)      Fill out the online application for house internal sewerage plan (house drainage plan) on the website; or

c)      Download the Property Search Application form and post or email to Council.

8. How can I obtain sewer and water main information?

For sewer and water main information please contact Urban Utilities on 13 26 57 or visit their website www.urbanutilities.com.au/development

9. How do I find out if I'm using a licensed Plumber?

To confirm if the plumber or drainer is licensed, and that their licence is current, contact the Queensland Building and Construction Commission on 139 333.

10. Can I do the work myself or do I need a Plumber or Drainer?

Using licensed plumbers and drainers is the simplest and most effective way of ensuring that plumbing work complies with regulations to minimise unnecessary risk to your family's health and safety. Rectifying defective or non-compliant work can be far more expensive than the original cost. As a consumer, using an appropriately qualified plumber or drainer will help protect you and your family.

Items listed as unregulated plumbing and drainage work do not require council approval or notification. No licence is required to perform these works, which include the following.

Sanitary plumbing and sanitary drainage:

  • cleaning or maintaining ground level grates to traps on sanitary drains
  • replacing caps to ground level inspection openings on sanitary drains
  • maintaining an above or below ground irrigation system for the disposal of effluent from an on-site sewerage facility.

Water plumbing:

  • installing or maintaining an irrigation or lawn watering system downstream from an isolating valve, tap or backflow prevention device on the supply pipe for the irrigation or lawn watering system
  • replacing a jumper valve or washer in a tap
  • changing a shower head
  • replacing, in a water closet cistern, a drop valve washer, float valve washer or suction cup rubber.

All other plumbing and drainage works need to be carried out by a licensed plumber or drainer.

11. Can I build over or near relevant infrastructure - Stormwater, Sewer, Water Main?

From 1 November 2013, building work over or near relevant infrastructure must be assessed against Queensland Development Code Mandatory Part 1.4 (MP 1.4) 'Building over or near relevant infrastructure'.

MP 1.4 applies to all building work for a building or structure to be carried out on a lot that contains or is adjacent to a lot that contains relevant infrastructure (sewer, water main, storm water drain or combined sanitary drains).

The Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009 prescribes relevant service providers as a concurrence agency for the purpose of referrals for MP 1.4 when the proposed work does not comply with the acceptable solutions of the code or is for an applicable class 2-9 building.

For building over/near Water or Sewer please contact Urban Utilities on 13 26 57 or visit their website Urban Utilities

For building over/near Stormwater please contact Ipswich City Council on 3810 6980 or email: plandev@ipswich.qld.gov.au

For build over/near Stormwater applications only please use the following form:

Building over/near Stormwater Infrastructure

Further information and factsheets are available at the Department of Housing and Public Works website:


Factsheet: General information about the Queensland Development Code Mandatory Part 1.4 - Building over or near relevant infrastructure (MP 1.4)

12. What work requires an approval?

Please refer to Council's Plumbing Approvals page.

13. What work requires certification?

Please refer to Council's Plumbing Approvals page.

14. What inspections are involved and what is the process?

Inspections that are required are noted on the decision notice, which is issued upon approval of the application. Council requires 24 hours notice when booking an inspection.

Note: Councils Development Application (DA) Number will need to be quoted when booking inspections.

Please refer to the Business Queensland website for any further information.

15. How can I pay a fee?

For payment options, refer to Planning & Development Fee Payments