Ipswich has secured funding for the design for a transformative hub in Ipswich Central sure to boost a renaissance for the local arts and culture...
Almost a thousand tonnes of material have been kept out of landfill as Ipswich City Council’s cleaner and greener kerbside collection program achieved an almost...
Ipswich residents are invited to have their say on the future of the Old Tallegalla School in the city’s west. Ipswich Mayor Teresa Harding said...
Almost a thousand tonnes of material have been kept out of landfill as Ipswich City Council’s cleaner and greener kerbside collection program achieved an almost...
Inspiring creatives to bring their visions to life will be the focus when the Creators’ Summit Ipswich returns for 2025. Ipswich Mayor Teresa Harding said...
More than 218,000 visits were made to the city heart to experience the wonder and joy of Ipswich City Council’s Christmas in Ipswich festivities and...
Ipswich creatives are invited to submit Expressions of Interest for a rare opportunity to enhance public spaces through the South East Queensland (SEQ) City Deal Public Art Initiatives.
Almost a thousand tonnes of material have been kept out of landfill as Ipswich City Council’s cleaner and greener kerbside collection program achieved an almost 70 per cent recycling rate during its first year.
Ipswich residents are invited to have their say on the future of the Old Tallegalla School in the city’s west.