A local law is a law made by an individual council in accordance with the Local Government Act 2009. A council can make local laws in response to particular issues in its local government area and to ensure the good rule and government of its area.

New local laws were introduced in 2013 and council recently reviewed those laws to ensure they remain relevant and contemporary. The review resulted in some minor amendments and we would like to hear what the community thinks about the amended local laws for our city.

Most of the changes were operational in nature and included an update of legislative references. The initial consultation period was from 17th July 2019 until 7th August 2019 and has now closed. Due to submissions made during the initial consultation period resulting in changes to minimum standards for Temporary Entertainment Events, Council conducted further consultation on the amended drafts. The consultation period for the additional amendments to Local Law (Amending) Local Law No.3 (Commercial Licensing) 2019 and Subordinate Local Law (Amending) Subordinate Local Law No.3.1(Commercial Licensing) 2019 was from 30 August 2019 to 20 September 2019 and has now closed.

The process for making amendments to the local laws and subordinate laws is determined by the Ipswich City Council Local Law Making Process Policy and comprises four stages:

Where We Are NowStage Planned Date
Local Law Review Description
  1 June-July

Development of proposed amendments to local laws and subordinate local laws: council is currently reviewing and considering what changes can be made to improve existing local laws and subordinate laws.

  2 July-August

Community consultation on proposed amendments to local laws and subordinate local laws: your opportunity to provide feedback on any proposed changes to the existing local laws and subordinate local laws.

3 August-

Amending the local laws and subordinate local laws: once council has received your feedback we will consider any further changes before finalising the amended local laws and subordinate local laws.

4 October

Publication of the amended local laws and subordinate local laws: when council is satisfied with any changes to the local laws and subordinate local laws the documents will be finalised and made publicly available.

Have Your Say

The consulting period has now closed for proposed amendments relating to all Local Laws and Subordinate Local Laws. Amended versions will become available once adopted by Council.

Please note:

  • You will not be personally identifiable in any reports that come out of consultation.
  • Submissions received by council that are properly made will be published anonymously on council's website during Stage 4 of council’s Local Law Making Process (see more information below).
  • Once finalised, amendments are expected to take effect by the end of 2019.

More Information

For enquiries regarding the consultation contact council via phone on (07) 3810 7990, email locallawreview@ipswich.qld.gov.au or visit the counter at Ground Floor, 1 Nicholas Street, Ipswich during office hours.