Colleges Crossing Recreation Reserve Rehabilitation

At present, Colleges Crossing Recreation Reserve is partially open between 6am-6pm daily.
The remainder of the reserve will remain closed with temporary fencing in place to ensure the safety of the community while we finalise the detailed design and move into the construction phase.

For further information including a map of the open and closed areas, please refer to the notifications tab below.

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Council designed a 'back to basics' concept design and presented this to the community for comment in March 2023.

Community Consultation has now closed and it is estimated that the results of this will be available in late May 2023. Consultation outcomes will be taken into consideration for the detailed design which we estimate to be communicated with the wider community in late 2023.

To register for updates on the progress of this project, please follow the instructions on the top right hand side of the project page at:

Project Milestones

All future dates proposed on this timeline are estimates and actual timeframes are dependent on contractual execution, contractor availability and other factors that may be outside of Council's control.

February 2022Colleges Crossing is significantly damaged by flood events. Damage experienced well beyond that of 2011 and 2013 flood events.
March 2022A further flood event at the site.
2022 - Early 2023

Site assessment and future design investigation process considering a wide range of factors including:

  • The high likelihood of future flood events
  • Other technical and environmental specifications
  • The Indigenous significance of the site
  • Community and Council desire for cost efficiency and reduced recovery time after flood events (i.e. improved flood resilience).

Site recovery works including:

  • Clean up of debris
  • Removal of damaged and irreplaceable fixtures
  • Earthworks to level and stabilise the ground
  • Civil works to create a spoon drain and swale.
February 2023Council identify a viable proposed redesign that is more flood resilient and economically feasible.
22 March - 21 April 2023Community feedback on proposed design concept.
30 April 2023 Partial re-opening of the reserve.
The section to reopen is on the right side of Bobby Auld Drive, between Mount Crosby Road and the Brisbane River, and will open for light recreational use such as exercise and picnics.
May - mid 2023Review outcomes of community feedback and conduct detailed design and analysis considering things like habitat, ecology, hydrology, engineering, traffic and costs.
Approx. Early 2024Timelines for construction will be published. It is expected that construction will commence in early 2024.
Approx. Late 2024 /Early 2025 Flood recovery project complete and site open to the public.

For any enquiries about this project, please contact Council’s Flood Recovery Coordination Section on (07) 3810 6666 between 8.00 am and 4.30 pm Monday to Friday or email