Roadside vending refers to the commercial supply of goods or services on or next to a road.

Any stall, booth, stand, tables, chairs or standing vehicle set up on any road for the purpose of selling goods, requires a licence. We want to make sure roadside selling is only done from a location that is safe for patrons, pedestrians, and all road users.

What is considered Roadside Vending?

Activities considered as roadside vending in the Ipswich City area include:

  • Roadside seafood, fruit or vegetable seller
  • Food trucks
  • Pie or smoko van
  • The sale of items other than food on the road, i.e., flower stall

Things to consider when choosing a location

Please ensure the following is considered when choosing a location:

  • Date and times proposed do not impact on surrounding properties/businesses
  • Similar types of businesses within the area (i.e., a coffee van will not be approved outside of a coffee shop)
  • 20 metres from intersections
  • 20 metres from pedestrian crossings and bus stops at non-intersection locations
  • Position cannot be in a regulated car space
  • Position to be at least 1 metre from the kerb
  • Minimum 1.8 metre buffer distance for safe pedestrian thoroughfare
  • Proposed location to be on a sealed road (e.g., asphalt/bitumen, concrete, gravel)
  • Adequate space for customer parking
  • Safe stopping distance
  • Location does not impact on public transport
  • Adequate space for safety of customers when attending site
  • Road has speed of 60km or less.

How to apply

Prior to applying for a roadside vending licence, you must ensure that you have all the necessary supporting documentation to accompany your application. The application process consists of three stages:

Stage 1 - Lodgement

Firstly, you will need to complete a Roadside Vending Licence Application Form.

Once completed, the application form and supporting documentation is to be submitted to Council for lodgement.

Stage 2 - Assessment

Council will undertake an assessment of the application against the mandatory requirements.  Your application can take up to 10 business days to be assessed. Should further information be required before your application can be decided, the assessing officer will be in contact with you to discuss any outstanding requirements. If the application meets all requirements, you will receive a notification via email advising that your application has been approved.

Stage 3 - Issue of Licence

Once approved, the licence certificate will be issued with conditions. Please ensure you are able to provide a copy of the certificate to a Council officer if requested.

Required Supporting Information

Information you will need to supply with your application includes:

  • Public Liability Insurance
  • Site Plan which outlines intended set up for the location requested. Measurements to be included which shows distances from buildings, infrastructure, and roadside etc.
  • Photographs of the proposed area

State Government Controlled Roads

If you are operating on state-controlled roads, you will need to contact the department in charge of state roads for information on the State government roadside vending policy.


Applicable fees are provided via Council’s ‘Register of Fees and charges’ under ‘Road Regulation’ and is accessible via Fees and Charges.


Council’s Local Law No. 3 Commercial Licensing (2013) and Local Law No. 7 (Local Government Controlled Areas and Roads) 2013 governs the use of roads and footpaths for dining and roadside vending.

Approval Conditions

Footpath Dining standard conditions are in accordance with Subordinate Local Law No. 3.1 (Commercial Licensing) 2013. These conditions are also provided on the back of the licence certificate issued for easy reference.

More information

If you require assistance with making an application, you can contact Ipswich City Council on the following: